All four devices respond swiftly to short circuits, and their precise overcurrent protection (OCP) is triggered at a set current limit level without an excessive overhead current requirement — an important characteristic for designs in which power busses need to support multiple loads. Competing solutions often require overhead currents of more than 30%. The SiP32433A and SiP32433B with active reverse blocking target applications featuring USB Type-C and multiple power source switching. The load switches reduce on-resistance by 43% compared to previous-generation solutions, which translates into a 32% higher current capability or increased efficiency at the same current level. The 78 mW SiP32433A/B has a current limit setting range of 0.3A to 3.5A, while the 33 mW SiP32434A/B offers a range of 0.5A to 6A. Both devices guarantee current limit accuracy down to ± 8%, increase design flexibility, and simplify BOMs. The hot-swappable load switches feature a programmable turn-on slew rate, provide ESD tolerance of 2kV (human body model) and 0.75kV (charged device model), and operate over a temperature range of -40°C to +125°C. Samples and production quantities of the eFuses are available now. As a franchised distributor, New Yorker Electronics supplies Vishay Siliconix power semiconductor products including low-voltage power MOSFETs (metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors), higher-voltage Vishay Siliconix power MOSFETs and Power ICs. Features & Benefits: Applications: Additional Information: |