CTS Valpey Fisher is a leading technology company specializing in low noise timing solutions. CTS Valpey Fisher makes precision crystal oscillators for timing functions in devices or components used in the telecommunications, computer, defense and aerospace, instrumentation and industrial markets. From discrete high precision crystal oscillators to highly integrated, low noise timing modules, CTS Valpey Fisher offers its customers a broad array of frequency control products to meet their precision timing needs. Today, Valpey Fisher is expanding into higher frequency, lower phase noise timing solutions, high performance RF/Microwave components, integrated modules and ultrasonic transducers. As a distributor, New Yorker Electronics supplies Valpey Fisher frequency control, microwave and ultrasound products such as Clock Generators, Crystals, Frequency Translators, Jitter Attenuators, Oscillators and VCOs and OCXO / TCXO / VCXO.