Display Visions manufactures a broad spectrum of top-quality industrial displays to customers in a number of industries ranging from process automation and machinery manufacturing to IT. A high level of vertical integration enables the company to keep a large portion of the value-add chain in house. Because Display Visions offers all the familiar advantages of a mid-tier company, it has the flexibility to accommodate the wide-ranging needs of its customers. The product portfolio extends from simple seven-segment instrumentation displays to sophisticated color touch-panel displays for use as HMI or in complex system controllers. The wide-ranging portfolio includes products designed for extremely low power consumption as well as display modules for special markets and applications such as Cyrillic fonts. The displays have a built-in controller which makes things a lot easier for design engineers. High-level language functions eliminate the need for system-level programming by customers. The display controllers are shipped with an extensive set of sophisticated, pre-packaged graphic functions such as animation and bargraphs. Developers can access these features with simple function calls. There is no need to write and test assembler programs for these functions. Many of the displays run right out of the box. As a franchised distributor, New Yorker Electronics supplies Display Visions' complete line of Direct Mounting Displays, USB and RS-232 Displays, Data Loggers, Panelmeters, PLC Compact Controllers and more.